For Whom?
Karate classes for kids, Judo classes, or just about any martial art is fantastic. Taekwon-Do offers everything that other martial arts do and more. The important thing is for children to be under the instruction of a qualified instructor with a proven history. Welcome to RTR Taekwon-Do, the club of Master and Mrs Rounthwaite.
If you live in Napier or Hastings, and you seek an activity for your children, RTR Taekwon-Do is ideal. Most forms of physical activity produce excellent benefits for children – both physical and behavioural. International Taekwon-Do goes one step further and explicitly reinforces the positive behaviours you teach at home.
Benefits of Taekwon-Do for Children
The benefits to children include improved confidence, greater self-esteem, better discipline, improved concentration and improved manners and behaviour generally. Children often fare better at school and at home.
The culture of International Taekwon-Do reinforces universal family values, such as respect, trust and honesty. It is important to us that children respect their parents; usually parents find new reasons to respect their children, too.
These benefits accrue because International Taekwon-Do is more than just kicking and punching. We encourage our students to live by the Tenets of Taekwon-Do:
- Courtesy
- Integrity
- Perseverance
- Self control
- Indomitable spirit
Child appropriate self defence
We teach basic self defence techniques to your children; more importantly we teach sound self defence strategies to you, the parents. As qualified International Taekwon-Do black belts, we have a wealth of valuable information to share to help your children defend themselves, and help you protect them.
The Classes
From the age of 7 the children are encouraged to train in the junior class, twice a week.
Youth and Adults
Youth and adults often seek different things from children and families, and International Taekwon-Do can satisfy your needs.
What do you need?
People start martial arts for different reasons. Some are fascinated by martial arts and want to learn one. Some see the importance of learning self defence in today’s uncertain world. Many seek a different kind of sport – something exciting, challenging, dynamic, and just a bit physical. Some want a more interesting and fun way to get fit.
Benefits for youth and adults
The benefits of International Taekwon-Do are numerous and varied. Physical benefits include improved fitness and strength, and the ability to do some really cool things with your body.
Students improve confidence, humility, focus and concentration. The feeling you get from a hard training session is very satisfying.
One of the great things about martial arts is the ability to measure progress in so many ways. The most obvious is by rank. Students start at white belt, and make their way through 10 grades to 1st degree black belt. Then things get really exciting, through nine degrees of black belt to Grand Master.
Dedicated students in this age group can often attain 1st degree black belt in about four years, and fourth degree black belt (International Instructor) in about 12 years.
If you live in Papakura, and you seek an activity for families, International Taekwon-Do Papakura is ideal for you.
We are a strongly family oriented school – most of our members are families.
Families training together
It is common for families to start as kids – a parent brings their six or seven year old along to International Taekwon-Do, and sits down the back while their child trains. After a while, they decide to give it a go, and a few years later, the whole family is involved.
It is great to find a physical activity that the family can do together. Each can progress at his or her own pace, or sometimes parents decide to progress a the rate of the children so the family remains together on the same grade. One of the great things about International Taekwon-Do is the ability to make these decisions – so long as you achieve your goals in Taekwon-Do and enjoy your training, we are happy.