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The gang at the New Zealand Masters Summit 2024. attachment

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4 days ago

An awesome ground self defence session tonight opened with an appropriate warmup by Tracey Sayers, a lady well versed in her subject. Ground self defence followed by Mr Phil, TKD 1 dan; Karate 2 dan; 21 Yrs with the NZ Police, presently a detective sergeant with a keen interest in practcal self defence.

And to finish off a run down on s48 Crimes Act as it relates to self defence.

So grateful to the Sayers family. Keen for a follow-up sometime for sure.

Videos can be seen at
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An awesome ground self defence session tonight opened with an appropriate warmup by Tracey Sayers, a lady well versed in her subject. Ground self defence followed by Mr Phil, TKD 1 dan; Karate 2 dan; 21 Yrs with the NZ Police, presently a detective sergeant with a keen interest in practcal self defence.  

And to finish off a run down on s48 Crimes Act as it relates to self defence. 

So grateful to the Sayers family.   Keen for a follow-up sometime for sure.

Videos can be seen at attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Dan-Gun is named after the Holy Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 B.C. The second Taekwon-Do pattern Dan-Gun continues the Korean creation mythology begun with the creation of the world in Chon-Ji », with the founding of the first kingdom of Korea. ... See MoreSee Less

Dan-Gun is named after the Holy Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 B.C. The second Taekwon-Do pattern Dan-Gun continues the Korean creation mythology begun with the creation of the world in Chon-Ji », with the founding of the first kingdom of Korea.
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